Romanian Manele Music: Everything You Need to Know

Romanian manele music

Manele music is still one of Romania’s most popular genres, mixing traditional Roma music with modern pop, dance and hip hop elements, including influences from Turkish and Arabic music (and lately – Reggaeton) With catchy tunes, Romanian manele usually feature … Read more

Why Are Romanians Frowned Upon in Europe?

Romanians frowned upon in Europe

People living in Europe – especially Western Europe – usually have a very poor opinion about my fellow Romanians, so I decided to try and tackle this delicate subject and try to explain why are Romanians frowned upon in Europe. … Read more

The 10 Most Famous Romanian Models of All Time

most famous Romanian models

We all know that women in Romania are truly beautiful. But these Romanian models and supermodels that I am talking about below showed the entire world just how beautiful Romanians are. I am actually surprised to see that so few … Read more