Editorial Policy

As the sole author and editor of this blog, I am committed to providing the most reliable, comprehensive, and informative content about Romania, no matter if you’re looking for travel advice or expat advice.

I have first hand experience since Romania is a country I have called home for over three decades and during this time I explored quite a bit of it, as well as helped other expats settle in nicely. You can read more about me and this blog here.

This editorial policy seeks to set clear guidelines and expectations for the information I am sharing on this blog, mainly reflecting my dedication to provide accurate and high quality articles, served with integrity.

Content Integrity

The content presented on this blog is based on first-hand knowledge, experiences, and insights gathered from my time living in, and traveling extensively throughout, Romania.

All information, narratives, anecdotes, and perspectives published on this site are the product of personal experiences in the first case and rigorous research if first hand experience is not possible.

I am constantly updating articles on this blog to make sure that they are as accurate as possible, as up to date as possible and as useful for a traveler or reader looking for information that is current.

No AI Content

At the core of my commitment to providing authentic, reliable content – and in the end, real content based on real experiences and human interaction, is my dedication to only provide content that I have written and / or edited myself.

There is no AI-generated content on this blog when it comes to the text presented in the articles, the ideas and so on.

All the articles here are meticulously drafted, edited, and finalized by myself, ensuring a personal touch and maintaining a consistently high quality (or at least that is my goal).

So if you are looking for content created by humans for humans, Romania Experience is the blog you want to read!


Every piece of information presented on this blog undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process that wants to provide you with factually correct text and information.

I utilize a wide range of sources – from official websites and documents to trustworthy publications and news outlets from Romania (and not only), as well as my direct, personal experience on the matters discussed – to validate the information before publication.

However, facts and numbers constantly change and there might be some inaccuracies in my articles. While I strive to update and make sure that everything is correct, anything from typos to last minute changes can have an effect on the correctness of the said articles.

Therefore, I strongly suggest to do your own due diligence and always double check the information I provide, even though at the moment of writing I am 100% sure that it is factually correct. However, the moment of you reading it might be after some changes were made.

Editorial Independence

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are mine only. No external influence, commercial or otherwise, affects the content presented on this blog, even though there are business partners that I am working with for monetizing this blog (ad partners and affiliate marketing).

However, this is independent journalism that we’re talking about and this independence protects the authenticity and reliability of the content shared on this platform.


The privacy of our readers is paramount. This blog adheres to strict data protection standards, ensuring that any personal information shared by readers – for instance, in comments or subscriptions – is secure and private. You can read more about the blog’s privacy policy here.

My mission is to provide first hand experience or at least flawlessly researched articles that will help you explore Romania, learn everything you want to know about this beautiful country and make educated choices when it comes to either traveling to Romania or moving here (or both).

By maintaining this editorial policy, I commit to creating a space that offers detailed, accurate, and engaging content about Romania. Thank you for your trust, readership, and participation!