I am very happy to report that Romania Experience has been nominated for a Versatile Blogger award – the first one ever for this blog! Basically an “award” that runs between bloggers who recommend other great blogs to their readers, it still means that you’re getting noticed out there and that people not only read, but also like to read what you publish. Which is always a good thing.
My award comes from Laurie from The Frugal Farmer. The rule is that every person who is awarded with the Versatile Blogger Award has to also nominate 7 bloggers for the award. But before I go on with this, just like Laurie did over on her blog, I will first share 7 random facts about me:
1. I love hip hop music. This might not be too obvious from my blogging, but I really do and fortunately I am able to make the difference between rap music and the lifestyle promoted by them (and by “rap music” I mean the real rap music of the mid to late 90s, not the crazy crap that is on nowadays)
2. I really hope that soon I will be able to live a big part of my life in a small village. We have a small house (more on this in a future article) in a crappy condition in a village nearby, and the idea of growing my own food, raising animals and breath the fresh air sounds like something I’d love to do.
3. I really hope that I will be able to live at least 3 months in a different country. My favorites are the Asian countries, but they seem so far away so I’ll probably have to start with closer countries here in Europe. Some day this has to happen!
4. I used to be a smoker for 10 years. Even though I’m almost 30 now, I did manage to complete that unwanted milestone: I started smoking when I was 14, but fortunately managed to find the power of will to quit at 24. I hope that I’ll never smoke again in my life.
5. I was one of the popular guys in high school. Without being modest, I was actually one of the most popular and had a craaazy life, I was one of the best players in our basketball team, I was invited to all parties… it was pretty incredible, actually. But I have completely and drastically changed when I met my wife and now that I have a family, I am a completely different person. I can honestly say that now I am a responsible grown up. And I don’t feel sorry for leaving all that behind.
6. I love playing video games. Before Baby Romanian was born, I used to spend tens of hours per week playing various games. Now I no longer have time for that and I have to settle with short bursts of mobile games.
7. I’ve had a gazzilion website ideas, most of them highly unsuccessful: one about bathrooms, one “fansite” of the Ultimate Tazer Ball sport and one on Brazilian hair removal. Sometimes I wonder why I consider these ideas so amazing.
And now that you know 7 random things about me, here are my 7 nominees for the Versatile Blogger award:
– Pretired Nick (Maybe he’ll start blogging again with this award)
– Done by Forty
– Andrew from Living Rich Cheaply
– Fellow Romanian blogger Dojo
– Pauline from MMYW
– Kemkem from Next Bite of Life
– Alexa from Single Mom’s Income
This would be it. Let’s keep the “7 random facts” for the award too, it should be more fun this way!
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Awwhhh! Thanks so much for the nomination! I really appreciate it and hope to write about it soon! I am surprised about the hip hop. I kind of pictured you a techno fan. I don’t know why. I liked the old stuff too..Salt n Pepa. My brother used to work with a lot of hip hop people and l had no idea who they were (till much later..lol). Basketball too??? Another little surprise..nice to know little tidbits about you!!! 🙂
Haha, yeah, and I really am into Gangsta Rap, should’ve said it too in the facts section. I guess we always create an image of the people we read based on God knows what and sometimes some things might not be that accurate. I’m sure we’re all full of surprises.
Hey “Versatile Blogger” Calin:
Nice recognition!
1. So, Biggie Smalls and Tu-Pac still rule? Me, I like music from the 1960’s–there, I’ve dated myself;-)
2. “Farmer Calin”? Just when I thought you’d be a confirmed apartment dweller! Still, it’s a worthy ambition.
3. I’m still doing country research. Asia is so hot and humid–phew! Mostly cheap, though. You ought to look at Portugal. “Toddler Romanian” can deal with the flight–sure there will be crying when the plane depressurizes, but that’s to be expected.. Oporto and northern Portugal seem nice. I’ve heard nice things about Madeira, too.
4. Glad you kicked the habit!!! I understand most folks in your country still smoke with abandon:-(
5. Ah, you were a “jock,” and a “studmuffin,” eh? I was the fat, short uggo, who couldn’t get a date if he paid for it. So, I don’t attend the reunions–ha, ha!
6. Never got into video games, much. I did try MS Flight Sim for a while, but it was nigh on impossible for me to take off and land the airplane in one piece;-)
7. Do you still have the other blog about money, or investing, or whatever it was? I’d check it out if it’s still up.
Keep up the great work!
“Biggie–T” (aka Teil)
Hello Teil, it was so nice to read all these things about you!
1. Yeah, they still rule hahaha 🙂 I love music from the 60’s (and above) too. I am not a single genre type of person.
2. At least something to do over the weekends for starters.
3. Portugal is indeed cheap and nice. It was on my list before I decided upon Malta and before spending all my money on the apartment. I have friends there who highly recommend it.
4. Numbers of smoking people are on decline, but indeed we have a ton of smokers in Romania.
5. I wasn’t really the type they portray in movies, but yeah, it was a good life :))
6. That’s one title I didn’t get into either :))
7. I have rebranded it, just like I did with Romania Experience. With this blog, it’s something natural though.
Hahaha, love your “new” name 🙂
Thanks for joining in the fun, C!!! I truly hope you can make your move to the small village soon – that lifestyle is so awesome. 🙂 Fun to learn some great facts about you – thanks for sharing, my friend, and have an awesome day!
Thanks again for nominating me! I am glad you enjoyed reading these facts about me.
Oh shoot, I didn’t realize you nominated me! Thanks C! So true about hip hop music from the 90s…compared to nowadays…though I’m no hip hop expert. Glad you quit smoking…it really messes up your health.
Thank you so much for listing me in the ‘team’. How do I proceed? Same as you did? Prepare a nice list of 7 things about me and nominate few blogs I love to read?
Yup, that’s what you should do now! 🙂