The 10 Most Famous Romanian Models of All Time

most famous Romanian models

We all know that women in Romania are truly beautiful. But these Romanian models and supermodels that I am talking about below showed the entire world just how beautiful Romanians are. I am actually surprised to see that so few … Read more

When Will Romania Adopt the Euro?

Romania Switching to Euro

There have always been talks about Romania switching to using Euros and today I will answer the burning question: When will Romania adopt the Euro? Not all countries in the European Union are using the Euro – and Romania is … Read more

Budapest vs. Bucharest: Which One to Choose?

Budapest vs Bucharest

Budapest and Bucharest are relatively close to each other, in Eastern Europe, and today we’re pitting them together. I’ll try to be as objective as possible and tell you which is the winner and why: Bucharest vs Budapest. I am … Read more